About APPS 2020


Researchers and practitioners have come to understand the critical importance of usable privacy and security, which is primarily focused on designing privacy and security systems that people can use. Otherwise interactive systems can be put at risk by users who fail to understand or choose to work around unusable or tedious privacy and security mechanisms. Taken into consideration that users do not necessarily share common conventions, cultural, and cognitive backgrounds; tools and resources; and contexts in which privacy and security decisions are required to be taken, adaptive and personalized user interfaces provide a viable alternative in order to ensure usable privacy and security offering equal chances for participation by all. Adaptive and personalized user interfaces in the context of usable privacy and security provide an alternative to the “one-size-fits-all” approach of static user interfaces by adapting the interactive system’s structure, navigation, terminology, functionalities and presentation of content to users’ perceptions and level of knowledge with regards to privacy- and security-related tasks, aiming to increase the usability of the interface and provide a positive user experience, and at the same time preserve privacy and security.

In this respect, we invite authors to submit original papers describing their research, experiences and lessons learned, novel approaches, solutions, tools and services in all areas of adaptive and personalized privacy and security. We welcome both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Main aim is to shape novel and disruptive ideas and solutions for achieving a viable balance between usability, privacy and security, driven by user modeling and adaptivity technologies.

Workshop Format

APPS 2020 will be a half-day workshop at ACM UMAP 2020 aiming to explore the related topics across a broad range of contexts, such as enterprise systems, personal systems, mobile and ubiquitous systems in various application areas such as healthcare, automotive, IoT, etc. The event will be specialized on interdisciplinary sessions at the intersection of usability, privacy, security, psychological, and behavioral science. The main sessions will be shaped based on conventional regular papers (6-8 pages) presenting research outcomes, and short contributions (2-4 pages) presenting works in progress and lessons learned on challenges related to APPS.

The workshop event will start with a keynote speech of an invited researcher related to the area of APPS and more specifically on Health Informatics. The main workshop will include oral presentations by authors of accepted regular papers and short contributions, followed by questions and discussion on each paper. We plan to have one main track on adaptive privacy and security; and one focused track this year on patient-centric healthcare systems by inviting submissions from experts of the relevant fields. The workshop will close with a round-table (panel) discussion led by key invited persons related to the main theme of the workshop. At the end of the event there will be a summary of outcomes and goals for a future event.

Intended Audience

This workshop focuses both on academia and industry and aims to attract the attention of an interdisciplinary audience between researchers and professionals working in the field of Usable Privacy and Security, Adaptation and Personalization, User Modeling, Human-centered Computing, and User Experience. It will bring together scientists, students, privacy and security professionals, ICT professionals, service providers and developers, designers, and end-users to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas and research results about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of bringing UMAP-related aspects into privacy and security systems.